

After lunch today, we comrades started to talk about the things that happened in our childhood, the funny things, the kind of games we were playing... it was so fantastic!
Grownup means a lot of responsibilities and a lot of upsetting things.
If i were given another childhood, i would love life more deeply and study much harder.
Life was and is so beautiful!!!


126.com-A Rubbish Mail Server

I got an e-mail from my customer in the morning, after reading, i tried to reply by mail 126 which we choose as our company's mail server. You know what? No matter what kind of method i tried, i just was not able to send the mail out.

What a rubbish mail server, similar things happened very often, at last i chose to send the mail by Gmail. After sending the mail by Gmail i went back on 126 web page, i sent a help message to the customer service center, but no one replied me. I tried to send mail by it again, but it does not work either.

I was too angry to find a suitable word for this mail service, but what i want to tell everyone is that "Do not use 126 mail service! It is so bad!"



There is always someone that can help people interpret dreams, i do not believe it of course, but sometimes i always got the feeling that something happened to me seems to have taken place in my dreams before.

Last night i went home a little bit late and go to sleep immediately. I waked up after an embarrassing dream. In my dream, i was in class with my primary and university classmates, the professor was the one that i respect most while in university-Mr. Dan, who is a very knowledgeable man. He asked us to write a thesis days ago, and in today's class, he is going to check if we have got the outline well done. I was sitting right behind my primary school classmate Zhang Youxin, when the professor checked his work my turn comes. But i just do not know when the professor has assigned the homework and i don't know how to say it to the professor, just then, my classmate said to the professor "she has not finished yet". I feel very embarrassing, but the professor did not say anything. When it is my desk mate's turn, she presents the professor with a topic of "Why somebody is so ignorant". She made a very good preparation. I feel so regretted because usually i am much better than her at studying, but today, i fall behind.

Just then i waked up from the dream, and realized that it is not true. Why i dream such a dream? Maybe i am really falling behind the others? No matter what i should take full use of all my time to learn.

God help those who help themselves!!!


Brief Introduction of Our Company

Sunrising Furniture Co., was founded in 1988, which is a high technological furniture manufacturer specializing in producing exclusive classic fabric sofa. Our company covers a total area of 30, 000 square meters and has staff and workers over 300.

Our company owns property right and the ability of professional designing. Our products have been sold to Middle-east, Europe and America, South-east Asia, South of Africa and Middle Asia etc. over 20 countries and area.

"Honor the contract and stand by the credit" is our principle. We would like to provide the perfect products to all the customers from all of the world.



Working and Career

Comparing with the rainy day yesterday, it is sunny and bright today! Good weather makes happy mood, everything seems to be funny today!

When arrived at office something that is usual came to my mind again: How to make the potential customers order our products and what should i learn today? These things have been bothering my mind ever since i came to work at the present company.

I have changed jobs for 3 times since i graduated from university last July. Thinking about the dreams i had while in university, i feel regreted of being a unversity graduated student. My first job is translation, the job was very boring, but what is more is that it last for only three month, after that i have no documents or whatever to translate and the factory wanted me to work at the workshop which is full of the smell of paint, besides they wanted me to work as trainee for another 3 month, i was dissapointed at those unreasonable demands and quited at last. But things were not much better, due to my highly expectation of the jobs, i was jobless for one and a half months. Then i decreased my requirements and started to work at a company which specializing in international education cooperation, my main task at that time is to help finish the daily works and sometimes to tranlate some documents.

My favorite job is to be an international trade clerk, and i was making effort to find one, so i changed my job and started the present one on 11th of March this year when the opportunity comes. Now, i am working as an export sales clerk, our products is fabric sofa which i like very much, they look elegant and full of culture.



又是一个风雨交加的早晨,迷糊之间似乎听到了闹铃的声音,然而懒惰的双眼就是不肯面见新一天的晨光。上班的时钟一遍又一遍在耳边滴答滴答。懒洋洋的身躯终于爬了起来。掀开窗帘扑入眼帘的是昨天熟悉的雨,这样的天气真使人的心情更加糟糕。But this is true life.简单的洗过脸就匆匆的准备上班,“要是能有一辆属于自己的车停在楼下该有多好,那样风我任凭你刮啊刮,雨我随你下吧下”。然回过神来的时候才发现原来自己在畅想。遂撑开小伞走入雨帘中......

好不容易走到了公交车站点,站在那里真是又湿又冷,心里有一种说不出来的感觉,不知怎么地泪水就要涌出来,何故如此伤感呢?本来一到下雨下雪的天气我就习惯性的心情不好,再加上在室外被雨淋湿...... 一个念头再一次闪过我的脑海,一种不变的哲理又一次向我证明它的亘古不误:自强。毕业将近一年了,可是回顾这一年来走过的路,真的有愧于自己是大学生这个事实。难道书属实是白读的吗???肯定不是!!!难道真的是没有遇到机会吗???绝对不是!!!真正缺少的是一颗不断进取的心和一个开阔的思维!!!